About the PASCH initiative
Awakening interest and enthusiasm for Germany, motivating young people to learn German and creating an international network of schools – those are the aims of the PASCH initiative. PASCH stands for “Schools: Partners for the Future”.

2000 PASCH schools in 120 countries
The initiative is a global network of some 2000 schools that place a high value on German. PASCH partners provide advice to head teachers, ministries and schools on developing German teaching. Seconded PASCH partner experts visit the schools to provide direct support. Fostering exchange between international and German PASCH schools is a particular priority. The platform partnerschulnetz.de is an important tool in developing school partnerships. Click here to visit the school partnership platform
600,000 pupils worldwide
Education projects, competitions, language courses in Germany or multinational summer schools abroad, learning materials, guidance services or taster weeks at German universities: the initiative makes use of a variety of programmes to motivate pupils at PASCH schools to learn German, promotes their language skills and helps foster intercultural dialogue. Click here to see the PASCH world map
Supporting teachers
The initiative supports German teachers at PASCH schools by providing regional and supra-regional further training courses, opportunities to see teaching in action in Germany and grants for further training in Germany. Teachers are involved in local, regional and supra-regional PASCH projects together with their pupils. These education projects foster ties between the schools, boost students’ language skills and promote intercultural exchange.
PASCH alumni activities
PASCH helps school leavers as they move from school to university education and awards scholarships for studying in Germany. The Support Initiative for German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools helps foster ties with German universities. Former pupils can forge contacts, continue to learn and obtain information on study and career opportunities via alumni gatherings and on pasch-alumni.de. PASCH alumni are active within the network and in projects that will also benefit the next generation. Through the PASCH mentoring programme they can receive or provide support for commencement of a university course in Germany. Click here to visit the PASCH alumni portal
10 years of PASCH – the PASCH mobile tours Germany
In 2018, the initiative Schools: Partners for the Future (PASCH) celebrated its 10th anniversary at home and abroad. Videos, photos and articles convey impressions of various activities and showcase PASCH in all its diversity.
Find out morePASCH partners
PASCH is an initiative of the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA), the Goethe-Institut, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Educational Exchange Service (PAD) of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Auswärtiges Amt
The initiative Schools: Partners for the Future (PASCH) was launched by then Foreign Minister Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier in 2008. PASCH is a beacon project that implements key objectives of cultural relations and education policy. The Federal Foreign Office promotes and coordinates the initiative, which is implemented by its partner organisations: the Federal Office of Administration – Central Agency for Schools Abroad, the Goethe-Institut, the German Academic Exchange Service and the Educational Exchange Service.
For more information, visit www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en
Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA)
The Central Agency for Schools Abroad promotes and advises more than 1200 schools in almost 100 countries on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office. They include 140 German schools abroad, 27 German profile schools and more than 1000 schools offering the German Language Certificate of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany. All these schools belong to the PASCH partner schools initiative.
For more information, visit www.auslandsschulwesen.de
The German cultural institute is active all over the world, promoting knowledge of the German language in foreign countries in around 670 partner schools and presenting a comprehensive view of Germany. The Goethe-Institut provides teachers and pupils with qualifications and thereby develops and expands German tuition.
For more information, visit www.goethe.de
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
The German Academic Exchange Service is the global leader in academic exchange and promotes international academic cooperation, chiefly through scholarships, projects and communication. At the interface with Germany as a study location, the German Academic Exchange Service has shaped the education paths of more than 7000 PASCH pupils and alumni since 2008.
For more information, visit www.daad.de
Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) des Sekretariats der Kultusministerkonferenz
The PAD is responsible for international school exchange and cooperation on behalf of the Länder. Since 2008, around 400 school partnerships with PASCH schools abroad have received support – and consequently almost 24,000 pupils and teachers.
For more information, visit www.kmk-pad.org